Monday, May 12, 2014

Change-Allahswt in the heart

Change, people change, we all change- be it from life experiences, age, travels, meeting new people, greater cultural awareness, and a very important one-self awareness. Awareness of our strengths and weakness, our beliefs and perceptions of the world. I have moved back home. Home is living in Perth, Australia. Home is seeing the beautiful, stunning blue, blue shy, cool breezes, gum trees, Australian bush, sitting outside in the sun with a cuppa tea. Friends, sitting and laughing while having an aussie breakfast with friends that make one laugh and feel uplifted. Grazing and watching the river, green grass and white faces around us. Home is having old friends give hugs like they never want to let go. You really can tell who missed you and who didn't when they first lay eyes on you, and the ones that did, come running with a big smile on their face and give a hard, enduring hug like they holding on to life itself. The kind of hug that keeps with you for the rest of the day.

People come and people go, and what I have learnt about people is generally if they don't need you in their life, your be dropped out or unnoticed. But, and this is a big but, the people that have a bond, which was created before leaving and coming back, its like yesterday you were with them. Its like they embrace your presence and feel happy to have you back. They want to help and be part of your life. Sitting having hot chocolate one evening with a dear old friend and chatting for hours about life, relationship, kids and us, these conversation are so fulfilling. No mention of anyone else except us, our relationships with ourselves, with our family and with our Lord. Deep, fulfilling communication where respect, trust and care are the hallmarks, the given.

Open to the new opportunities, the new possibilities that come and being careful. Careful of who to trust and who not too, who to pour my heart out of all its worries and love and belief. Yet always knowing that the best communication, the most fulfilling and most content conversation is with my Lord. Because at the end of the day, most people come and go, while a few hold on, a few keep being thrown into each others arms,in a unforgiving world. Some wont even let you slip up, or make a mistake, or see goodness in you. Others see the world with beautiful hearts that look for the beauty, see the fragile, sensitive, goodness.  See the journey as a shared steps, together complementing each other, so aware of the flaws, yet so focused on the shared experience, finding the positive and good. Learning from each other, learning to love ourselves, learning to love Allahswt, learning that the journey is the living, not the destination.

When I moved to Malaysia for fourteen months, I was tested in many ways and pushed out of my comfort zone. I had many new experiences, some very heart breaking and  pushed me in a different direction of thinking and feeling. Yet after moving back, I miss things about Malaysia and the people. I miss that they were friendly and were ready to embrace you with a smile. I miss their love of family and visiting, their continue effort to have connection in their lives. I miss walks along the sea and  endless travels to new and exciting places. I miss feeling it was normal to be around Muslims. I miss the different head scarfs and modesty. I miss the  most the aznan, the call to pray at fajr, and the Quran reading echoing in the night.

Yet Perth was always the final destination of the journey.Being with friends that I take as my own sisters, giving the heart yet being careful, is part of the learning. Because at the  the end of the day, it was always about  our relationship between us and Allahswt. so that at all circumstances, we always expect a positive expectation of the journey he sharps for us. One lesson I have learnt is that everything, every single thing, good and bad happens for a reason. Another lesson I have learnt is that words hurt, and many a time, cant be ever taken back. Third lesson we were born to fulfill a very important, crucial goal- to please our wise Lord and do our best to be good, in heart and action, so we can enter those gardens of paradise. So many things will distracted us from that goal-weather it is the dunya, material things, education, jobs, good quality items, shopping, food, socializing, family, all these things are  attachments. These attachments have the ability to take us far from our purpose, our fulfillment. So we have them by our sides but not in our heart. Allahswt is in our heart, for if we have Allahswt in our heart we have the most important ingredient of life. An ingredient that the riches or most famous non believer and many a muslim is still looking for-contentment.

Pure contentment in the heart from the remembrance of Allahswt, great is he, the all peaceful and all hearing.

Go with the heart- it tells you the truth. Islam my courage, Islam my guidance,Islam my companion,  Islam my strength, Islam my healing agent in this journey, Islam my life. Help each other towards that inner contentment.  Move away from the toxic, the jealousy, the judgments, the gossip, the slander, and be content with Allahswt company, and just a few genuine ones that keep telling your heart that they love you for his sake.

 Keep remembering his name, keep turning to him alone, keep pouring out your heart to his mercy and assistance; keep knowing him. Think good of all, those that hurt you, ignore you, criticize  you, find their goodness and see their good. We are all fragile, weak humans with many a flaws that Allahswt hides from the naked eye. We ALL sin, in different ways. See people goodness, see their ability, believe that anyone has the capacity to be a force to change the world by first looking within themselves. The most beautiful people are the ones that struggle through life trying their best to be their best.

So I am home. Iam still far form the most beloved people in my life, my Mother and eight siblings and my nieces and nephews, yet justice will be served, in I hope a place we are all going to jannah, paradise, where no ear will hear any hurtful words, no eye has to see judgmental looks and no heart has to feel any kind of pain-just pure bliss, happiness. Keep going on this journey, with Allahswt in our heart, its going to be alright inshallah.