Friday, July 17, 2009

Power of acknowledgement

I have been thinking why do we have such a need to have people acknowledge our existence? I know people that need others to constantly give attention to, and others that are very famously happy to be by themselves, in their own world. I think we all go thru stages when we can be bits of both, but the personality of a person I believe is kind of "set" in a certain matter, changing ever soo slowly as the years go by. You can see when a person wants to change their inner character when one sees modification in the way they speck, act and interact with others, when experiences, inner thinking, meeting goals and people all help that modification to a better or thats face it, worst human bean.

I have seen primary school children do this, write out a list of the "good' people and "bad" people in their lives.Since I was a child, I have done that over the years...write out a list of friends and cross out the ones I no longer click with, broken my trust or devalue who i am in some way. Of course excuse are made and modificates to find something "good' in that friendship to allow it the float the sea of time. Its funny to see that who is left, in many ways, are the ones that, like you, have weakness and faulths and some great qualities, but are trying....making effort to be a better person, or a person very much intune to themselves. What i mean, these friends, eventhou very different in character, care about others. They show you, as a friend that I do care about you in some way. One may not talk to them or see them offen...but you know in your heart this person values you

So that takes me to my original question of why is it people need to be acknowledge of there existence. I believe the answer is everyone to some degree needs to be valued, if not they will not exist for long. It goes back to Erickson and others belief that if a child is given physical need, such as food, shelter, etc but no attention, no love, no touch, they well not thrive. This has been proven many times. So we must not understimate the power of a smile, the power of a hug, the power of a touch and the power of listening. Try it, listening and aknowledging a person is not a ease as it seems, but when done in a matter of care and warm, it can be one the most powerful and life changing experience for some. With that the Prophet Muhammed SAW always had a smile on his face, and I hope that you and I can find something to smile about everyday of our lives ameen ;)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Killed for wearing a scarf

It makes me anger and sad at the sa

me time that this muslim woman had to be killed because of his hatred of Islam. It raises sooo many questions that no-one wants to answer. Because if they answer them, the very real realisation of how much hate there is in the world for muslims and islam...we all felt it after 9/11. I remerber that morning walking into Tafe and the whole class going silence and this real uncomfortable atmosphere occured. It quickly wiped the smile off my face and made me relise instanely that because I was a muslim woman, i had some relations to what had happen. I cryed in stock and saddness as I watched the tv bleming images of people jumping of the building.....those images never leave u...neither did the feelings of being part to blame, like I secratly agreed to mass killing of innocean people!!!!Agggggh

It makes me soooo mad that this woman was matryed, yes murdered in a court room full of people. How can a person murder a woman, stab her 18 times, and than stab her husband three times, who was the only one to come to her aid, and than he got shot, as mistaken identity. It sounds soo bizarra. Anyone in a court room would know that there is security guards very close by. The fact that the husband got shot, just shows the mentally that it was an "Arab" that must be hurting the woman, not a Germany citizens.

But of course if you answer the questions, it all comes back to hatred of islam and muslims in general. The ignorance of Islam and phobies to muslim womans haed scarf and face covering is soooooo disgusting and is such an injustice to such a minority of woman. For Gods sake they only wear for the pleasure of God and to be modesty, so they wont be molested. One where is the respect now adays???

The worst fact of all is that western media haven even covered the story. The have forgotten and ignoriong what an out cry this is. If a Jew had been stab, man the out cry would have been global. I have not hear any news story in Australia with regard to this murder. The message behind it is muslim woman are fair game. If you have a problem with wertern pertial of islam, a woman in a head scarf is now a target.

I have been locking my car doors for a few years now, after knowing muslims sisters that have had their scarf/niqab (face cover) torn off in broad day ligth. The mocking and belittling wears one down and even thou it hasent been bad in the last two years, I am more aware, more careful and more strengthen to cover up, to stand up for what I believe in!!

So do this sister, and your family, may God give you the heighest paradise and may all Muslim woman be free to live a life free of persecution, mockery and belittlement...ameen

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Deen and beauty.

I loved this quote on "chasing jannah" blog...."Not interested in living that fake lifestyle, where looks and money get you with the "cool" crowd but once it's all gone, you're back to being a nobody. True beauty isn't about how many model contracts you get, it's how you live your life and treat others. When I see a Sister, I can see the noor in her face that reflects taqwa and good manners. Even the most beautiful face can be tainted with evil intentions to hurt others.To me, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and on the face of a Mutaqiya (pious woman)."

I totally agree. You can honestly see the nur of good in a sisters face and those that are tainted by there bad deeds or intentions, especially when you haven seen a sister in a long time. If the heart is clean, good, pure and likes good ,pure things, than the face and body is also a reflection of the central part of who we are. Reading quran, making dua for others,helping another out even through we have burdans, doing good deens all help to guide us to the rigth way. "Verily in the remerbrance of Godswt, do hearts find rest". And this rigth way maintains inner and outer beauty ;)


Ohhh life. Its hard being a mother, wife, friend,daugther, step-mother ,sister and overall meeting all the needs and demands that is required of me. I feel at times that it seems all too much, especially with little outside support. But, what helps me is "talking' to Allahswt. I make little prays througthout my day asking for his swt help, direction, strength to go on; patience to get thru. I pick myself up and continue. I always refer to this life, especially a practing muslimah life, as a journery. Trying to keep safe (within Gods' protection); doing goods things, day by day, passing till death do us apart. I believe in an afterlife, the real life, one promised of happiness, rest and true ease. This life shows you that there must be a heavan and hell, because humans do injustice and suffering to each other. Some mock, belittle, dis-regard, hurt others without the any worry of how there actions affect others. I know even a hug, a smile , a helpful hand, or a kind word can really make ones day. I look for those one or two pick me up during my day so that I can see the light and greatness in single, beautiful acts that a human is capable of doing. We just sometimes forget the power of kindness to another, how uplifting it is to ones own soul ;)My family, can be overwealming at times but , they bring me joy, happiness, production, ease, worry, friendship, laugths and that is life itself, a journey of experiences...

Monday, July 6, 2009

The characteristics of the seeker of happiness

The Characteristics of the Seeker of Happiness“…The seeker of Allah and the Hereafter – rather, the one who seeks to obtain all knowledge, productiveness, and leadership, such that he is a leader who is taken as an example in all of this – should be brave, bold, in control of his whims, and not under the control of his imagination. He should be abstinent from everything except that which he is after, passionate about what he has turned his face towards, knowing the path to it, as well as the paths which lead away from it.He should be bold in his aspiration, firm in his resolve, and not swayed from his goal by the blame of the blamers or the discouragement of the discouragers.He should generally be tranquil, constantly in thought, and not be moved by the sweetness of a compliment or the pain of criticism.He should be forthcoming in providing himself with what he needs to help him obtain his goal, and should not be incited by those who oppose him.His slogan should be patience, and his rest should be his fatigue, and he should love to have the best manners.He should make the best of his time, not mixing with the people except in a most cautious state, just like a bird that quickly comes down to snatch a morsel from between two people.He should stand over himself, encouraging himself by way of hope and fear, and should seek to be outstanding amongst his group…” My mother pass me this advice and I loved it, hope you enjoy. author Ibn al Qayyim

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In my life I spend time contemplate the nature of this temporary, short yet percious life of ours and the ones connected to me. Allahswt, the creator and sustainer, put us on this earth to contemplate and understand what our existance on this earth is, to submit our will, desires and goals to please him alone. Life is a test, and the ones with the most strength of character, patience and determination to fulfill what is required of them, will be the succesful. I find that Islam is perfect in the way that it gives an solution to every problem. Iam really laterly trying to pruify my heart and character, and this journery of life gives examples every day of how to be a better person in every way. A heart needs to return to its creator in a purified, clean form to enter the everlasting garden of paradise. Its a challenge, that as one who wants to submit my will to my Rabbswt needs to work at, and hopefully slowly and surely, I can succeed.
I leave you with my favourite quote, "Verily in the remerbance of God do hearts find rest"