Monday, October 31, 2011

Goal Getting. The Science of Achieving Goals- Book Review

As someone that is goal orientated, this book really helped me to refocus, as it provided clear, practical and inspiration quotes, examples, evidence and research that encourages’ one to achieve their goals, and how to go about doing it.
The purpose of this book is to reassure anyone who wants to achieve their goals, to have the method and plan to do it. Power and Dingle use research from many different sources to provided practical and easy to follow guidelines, to improve our own achievement, commitment and determination of our own goals, and to attain them.
The book is broken into four parts, with eighteen easy to read chapters. Part one is about how goals affect the journey of our lives; how we need tools to assist us to get the things we want from life and to identify what is important in our lives. I found this the hardest part to follow, as it reminded me why I do not write down my goals, and changing conditioning.
Part 2 is the force of the book, providing you with the support network to follow one’s personal goals. This area explains what a goal setting process is, and encourages you to clarifying and explores the questions: What? When? Where? How? WHY? And Who? These questions give a clear motion to the whole process, and provide the framework to internalise the development of accepting that only I have the responsibility for achieving my goals.
The book is refreshing in that it gives great research that backs up the claim that goals focused on materialism have been associated with negative effects and goals oriented towards self-acceptance, creating community feeling, physical fitness and health, etc., encourage people to enjoy positive wellbeing.
Lists are included that help assist with what areas in your life need goals, to improve or priorities and what are your options.
Part 3 was my favourite part of the book, as it made everything so clear. At points of reading in this section, I was compelled to get up to dot down a goal or point that inspired me. This part was the power of commitment, thinking about and actually writing down those goals. Research and discussion about the power of writing, power of purpose in one’s life and the need to be comparison free, in that they are your personal goals and shouldn’t measure up towards anyone else’s was enlightening. List of questions in all aspect of life, such as health, family and home, relationships, career and business, traveling help to stimulate your creative brain to explore what do you really want, and having the ‘courage, character, conviction and commitment’ (p.110) to do it.
Part 4 describes the end process, once one understands what their goals are. It supports you to rank, review and reward once attained. It emphasis believing in yourself, creating positive affirmations and the power of visualisation in motivating ones towards their goals, big or small, short or long term. Meditation, breathing and other health points are included, explaining the powerful effects on reducing stress, blood pressure and other health problems, if we just practice to deep breath and relax, as part of our day.
Really enjoyed part 3 and 4 and yes I have priories’ what goals I will achieve in ink, and reminders of how to achieve them. I learnt that having specific, written goals is essential to know what our purpose and direction in life, and to get the most out of our short life. I highly recommended this book to all people who would like to re-focus on what they want most out of their life, in any area.

I say write down your goals and review them regularly and you will achieve. Being a muslims I depend on God's will, as nothing can happan without his permission. For example when Ibraheem (Peace be upon him) and Ismaeel (Peace be upon him) finish building the Kakbah in Makkah, they said , and the verse says: “And remember Abraham and Isma’il raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): “Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-knowing”. (Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse 127)

Notice how although they were doing the most noble task on earth at that moment, and they had achieve such a great task, they weren’t arrogant about it and asked Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) to accept it from them. So we have to remember, it is Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) who gave you or me the means to achieve a goal at that time, so be thankful and always ask Him to accept from you your hard work, and give us the ability and steadfastness to achieve our gaols inshallah.

The title of this book is Goal Getting and is written by author Peter Dingle and published by Comet Publishing. The ISBN of this book is 9780646499116 and the format is Paperback

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mental health- the way we think affects our actions

When I achieve a goal, I feel very excited, happy and proud of myself for achieving and accomplishing my goals. I felt hopeful for the future, and I was thinking how capable I can be when I put my mind to something important to me. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!- W. Clement Stone

Mental health is a state of being. A perception of the world around us. It can be positive or negative, and have the facility to conquer a person’s connection to the outside world, or it can be strong, driven and proactive. A person’s mental health is in a good position when thoughts are balanced. Meaning a person mind set is depended on our perception and interpretation of our environment, our inner beliefs, values and attitudes; our expectations and feelings.
How we think determines how we feel. If I think I am going to fail university, I will feel distress, or stressed. If I think I can do this, I know I have the capability, and I manage my time wisely, I may feel hopeful, engaged, excited that I can do it! Thanking effects a balanced and positive mind frame, an important part of good mental health. Another important aspect of mental health is knowing yourself and being self-aware. In life, it is important to consciously develop a clearer awareness of self by assessing the way we think.

What is a Leader? A self-evaluation of my leadership skills now: what have I learned?

Attribute 1 Good communication and listening skills
Reflections: Taking care of being able to clearly express ideas and concerns is essential for the true meaning to come across, and thinking about the right timing. Giving positive feedback and evolving all in decision making, supports a smooth process and promotes cooperation.
Examples: At one stage I felt emotional vulnerable by some personal events in my life, so at that stage, what people said , wrote and did at times, sometime was interpreted as a personal attack, when this was not the intention.
Theory and research: According to Handy (Maddock, 1999, p.4) listen and communicating are essential qualities for a leader and Daft (1998, p.21) explain underlays a strength for a fusion leader. Network of connections and collaborating with others are characteristics of transformational leadership (Maddock, 1999)
Strategies: Need to improve in giving constructive criticism, as overlooking can affect progress. Recognise under pressure how I respond, and communicate at times when emotional state is balanced (Geldard & Geldard, 2003, p. 188)

Attribute 2 Self- Awareness
Reflections: Through this process, I strongly agree that Leaders understand themselves, and maintain self –reflection, noticing how these things influence our attitudes, relationships and behaviour.
Examples: I learnt that there is a preferred preference for working toward specific goals by myself, but participation is important, and I dont mind not having total ownership of a project.

Theory and research: Relating to fostering a better understanding of ones’ self, Sinclar (2011,p.453) explains that identity work ‘allows people to be more present, more able and open and connect to others, and see what is going on’. (Sinclair, 2011, p.453). Human relations perspective uses an approach that encourages desires for ‘self-expression and self-actualisation.’ (Jones, & May, 199, p.41)

Strategies: Need to positively reinforce my own achievements, and take opportunities to have breaks.

Attribute 3 Commitment
Reflections: Having a clear sense of vision and direction comes hand in hand with commitment ( Senge, 1990). I have come to realise that being overly reliable and committed, is truly a double-edged sword. It helps me achieve my goals, but on the other hand, I wish I could just turn it off and on at will

Examples: I put in long hours performing assigned tasks over and above requirement, even when it means inconveniencing me.

Theory and research: Commitments requires passion, energy, responsibility and when a group of people each are committed to a common vision, achievement of anything can happen (Senge, 1990, p.221). Bennis (Doherty & Horne, 2002, p.208) found that transformational leaders had the capability to create compelling vision that had everyone commitment to achieving.
Strategies for Commitment: I relish the feeling of being busy, yet you also need to know when I am “done.” Attach timelines and measurement to goals so that effort leads to
defined progress and tangible outcomes (Rath, 2007, p.14)

Attribute 4 Motivation
Reflections: Achieve, have patience, work hard and believe others will work hard too. This in not always the case. I think people work well when they share information; operated from each of our strengths, and contribute to each other. I like to bring about initiatives, encourage idea and tracked my progress, which create enthusiasm and momentum in a group situation, and others comment on my commitment, which helped them stay on track.

Examples: One team member in my Uni assignment was very hard to get in contact with and lack interest. Instead of getting frustrated by it, I stood up to be the research assistant in the project, as this position focus on sharing the information I have collected to assist her.
Theory and research: Fusion leadership describes a new way of leading based on "fusion," a coming together of whole individuals to accomplish mutual goals based on shared vision and values, bring about a sense of unity (Daft, 1998, p.15). Additional belief is following behavioural theories, using Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid ( Module 3,2007, p.4), whereby I found to have a leadership style that emphasis team leadership– high on production and high on people relationships (Mind tools, 1996-2011).
Strategies for motivation: Take advantage of my self-motivation by setting challenging goals, in different learning/passion areas (Rath, 2007).

Attribute 5 Supporting and encouraging themselves and others
Reflections: I found I gain a certain degree of satisfaction when I could
be of some service to others. A strengthen I found was I am good at offering assistance to people who are struggling to do their part or when an issue came up. Acted as a Coordinator/team worker, which aids the group to clarify goals, promote decision making and evaluate progress (Hudson, 2009, p. 373).

Examples: Instinctively, I notice others accomplishments, contribution, skills, and derive much pleasure from honouring and encouraging individuals, especially when their good results are the fruit of hard work.

Theory and research: This would be using ‘situational leadership’, whereby one looks for opportunities to take action on a matter (McDonald, 2011, p.40). Also using a transformational leadership style where one engages personally in collaborative ways (Maddock, 1999).

Strategies: Since it is strength, learn more about being a team leader. Understand peoples’ working methods, strengthens and weakness before starting a project (Hudson, 2009, p.369)

I have learnt I consider various ways to initiate, nurture, and sustain the linkages between
Individuals and groups and bring people together. I made an effort to be available for others, by being more visible. I learnt that this facilitated two way communications, and helps support one another. I took opportunities to be assertive in a non-aggressive way, building up my personal assurance of what I stand for. I agree that good communication and commitment are part of a reinforcing foundation of a clear sense of vision (Senge, 1990, p.227).

Self reflection is a journey has been enlightening, and the most important lesson to be learnt, it is the collaborative process that support each leader.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hand in Hand, we touch the world!

I wrote this blog post for another site Iam on for International woman's day, back in early March. Just wanted to shared it.

"The woman who survives intact and happy must be at once tender and tough. She must have convinced herself or be in the unending process of convincing herself, that she, her values and her choices are important -Maya Angelou.

I hope that every woman can find the inner strength to reach their goals; the support to not walk alone and the opportunities to achieve and see their brilliance. I say to every woman, mother or not, that you can impact the next generation of girls and boys to have positive images of themselves, to affect our culture to protect and nurture the emotional lives of countless girls and boys, so they will grow up to be woman and man, hand in hand, with integrity, mutual respect and kindness towards each other.

As a seventh generation Australian Muslim woman, a Mother of three beautiful boys, I have great gratitude and feel honored to have many beautiful, kind women in my life. To my single Mother, who lives a life of upholding justice and one that services the under privilege. To my Sisters, in their varying characters, who give their best. To my friends, who always commit to the greater good of building stronger, healthy families and community. To the woman who I know and who have touched my life, who have inspired me or helped me, your advice, your achievements, your drive, in whatever form, I hope that you will never be discourage of being your true, unique self.

To educate a woman is to educate a family. A woman that looks after the next generation, in whatever capacity or approach, understanding her purpose, strengths, and goals, is truly a remarkable leader. She has insight in herself and passes this on to whoever she associates with.

To every woman that battles away in the home, in the work place, or in life in general, being truth to themselves and upholding good values, I hope and know that every day you give an honorable standing, a life worth lived. I hope and pray that we can, and will live in a world where no woman lives with violence, that she will be respected for her mind, and her body is honorable, and not to be exploited or touch without her will.

The woman leaders of tomorrow are being nurtured today, and you do have a huge impact on someone, somewhere. Never underestimate your contribution to the lives you touch. Any effort is never wasted, because together, hand in hand, we can change the world, by beliving in our selfs:)"

Totally Agree

I get some great emails, and I agree with the qualities this sister was writing about have a read. Enjoy! and put into practice!

Do you want to improve your life? Do you want to be more awesome, but just don’t know how to go about peeling off the unnecessary layers?
> I’ve put together a list of 79 ways you can improve your life which I will be sharing with you for the next few months.
> So share these gems with your family and friends and join my facebook page
> for more interesting articles and posts.
> Here we go!!!!!!
> 1. Care
> If you want to be awesome, you have to care. Care about the people around you and even people you’ve never met.
> 2. Give Value
> We all have something to share. Always focus on what you can do for others. What do you love and what are you good at (or want to become good at)?
> 3. Be honest
> Honesty feels good and is the right thing to do. But why do many choose to lie instead? Most often it’s because it makes their life easier, or does it? It usually might seem like it in the short-term, but in the long-term, honesty always wins.
> 4. Be honorable
> Be honorable and respectable. This means doing the right things, keeping promises and in general, being someone who does the right thing.
> 5. Integrity
> Having integrity for me means being ethical and following a moral code that is both practical and benefits all of humanity. It’s idealistic, but it is certainly worth striving for, isn’t it?
> 6. Follow your passion
> Find your passion and follow it. Never give up. There is always a way to make a living doing what you love. It may not come in the form you think, so be open-minded.
> 7. Take responsibility
> You are responsible for your life. There is no one to blame. If you’re not happy with your life or with your circumstances, you are the only one that can take responsibility and start changing it. What are you waiting for?
> 8. Be positive
> Being just a little bit more positive can mean a lot of things. Reading a good book, checking out positive quotations or even learning new skills that you enjoy. The possibilities are endless. Even though being positive is cliché and kind of irritating, it is still useful.
> 9. Take action
> You can dream and you can wonder, but nothing happens without taking action consistently. You don’t have to be perfect. Learn as much as you need to know the next step and take action!
> 10. Focus on your strengths
> Stop trying to fix your weaknesses. You can’t be perfect. Focus on your strength and let other people do what you’re bad at.
> Wishing you the very best.
> Wassalam
> Zakia Usmani

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Scarf-be proud of your hijab, check it out.

If only

"Fear more the sin when you are out of sight, it is where your witness is also your judge."-Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib

If only we didnt sin, if only we love him more than anything else, if only we supported and valued each others iman and honor,reputation. If only.....

Friday, August 19, 2011

O turner of the hearts

I have taken this paragraph explaining one of the supplications of the Prophet to be, ‘O Allāh, turner of the hearts, turn our hearts towards your obedience(Muslim). It reminded me of how much we need Allahswt to keep one guided, that its scary that he can turn the heart away from his path, by our intentions and actions, especially in times of trails or hardship

Taken from

"He sees his obedience to his Lord as being inadequate and that even if it were to equal in amount the total devotion of humankind and jinn it would be the least befitting for his Lord. He would also consider as grave the slight disobedience and sin he commits. The subjugation that prevails over the heart prises open all of this.’ And then Ibn al-Qayyim said, ‘What a close mend this is to the broken heart; what a close aid, mercy and provision it is to it and what a benefit and advantage this observation is for it!

A single atom and breath of this is more beloved to Allah than the acts of devotion equivalent to mountains by those who are boastful and amazed at their actions, knowledge and state. The most beloved heart to Allah, may He be glorified, is a heart that has been entrenched with this subjugation and vanquished with such humility; so the servant lowers his head before his Lord, remaining thus out of shame and bashfulness.’"

May our Lord keep our hearts steadfast on the peace of Islam, our tongues and actions pleasing to him AMEEM.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I wrote this a year ago in as part of a speech I did to a Muslim Youth Group. I wanted to share it.

"Be grateful for those around you, especially the ones that support you. They may not be with you tomorrow. Be grateful and respectful of your love ones, to have true and sincere love in a great gift that should be nurtured. Don’t let the pursuit of life take you away from spending quality time. Be grateful for the friends that stand by up and understand you, they will be the ones that stay with you as others go by. Know your self; you are better than what you think you are. Those close to you say hurtful remarks, learn to forgive and not hold grudges. Truly a happy person is one that understands human’s make mistakes. Know we are on a learning curve, you cant change anyone,but you can change the way you see them."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stress less in life

Tips to reduce Stress

Tawakkul - reliance on Allah

Exercising contentment and patience

Go for a walk or start exercising

Learn relaxation techniques

Enjoy nature and the outdoors

Adopt a new skill

Know your strengths

Think positive

Manage your time, realistically

Attend social functions/invitations

Volunteer your skills and time for worthy causes

Read quran and make time to ponder the Creater.

Make time for yourself

There is no problem that cant be solved

Think for today

Live for today

Life now

Its been a long time since I have sat down and wrote my personal reflections of my life. I cant believe how much I have changed since my last blog post. Iam so much more at peace. I have so much more inner understanding and acceptance, really accepted life as it comes, who I am and the precious people around me. I no longer take things so seriously. I no longer let what people say or do hurt me. I bur sh comments off more so now. I don't hold it in my heart and grow anxiety or get angry about why/when/how.

Iam me- a happy, positive soul. I worry much less. I learnt over the last few years to just take one day at a time. ONE DAY AT A TIME. Iam content and ever grateful everyday for the gift of life. I have one life, I better and will make the most of it, to benefit my own soul and touch the lives around me.

I did a Young Woman Leadership Program last year and I never would have thought how much it would change my life. That and my husband going away for 3 months start of last year. I learnt soo much about myself and the impact I can have on others. Iam blessed in so many ways. I appreciate the small things people do for me. I happy to help others when I can. I have routine, balance, purpose.

Purpose can only grow from understanding who we are and what we truly want. Iam soo determined to reach my goals. Iam like a snail slowing chipping away at my goals. Iam ever concern for my children and love will they take life. Will they be inspired or shoot down? Will they grow or block the world they are only just understanding? Will they take the path of practicing Islam or find another road? Who will they turn to in times of deep sadness, despair or hurt?

I cant control anything, the breath I take is not in my hands. I cant give guidance, I cant show the manual of life. Its different for each of us. I can give love. I can give understanding. I can give inspiration to believe and hope that there is always ease after hardship, ligth after darkness; there is always hope after hurt, there is always good advice after dilemma.

I suppose we have to be open to the experiences of life-to help mould one into a better person not one that gives up and follows the easy way or wrong way. Oh yah, did i say I don't worry as much anymore ;)