Monday, October 31, 2011

Goal Getting. The Science of Achieving Goals- Book Review

As someone that is goal orientated, this book really helped me to refocus, as it provided clear, practical and inspiration quotes, examples, evidence and research that encourages’ one to achieve their goals, and how to go about doing it.
The purpose of this book is to reassure anyone who wants to achieve their goals, to have the method and plan to do it. Power and Dingle use research from many different sources to provided practical and easy to follow guidelines, to improve our own achievement, commitment and determination of our own goals, and to attain them.
The book is broken into four parts, with eighteen easy to read chapters. Part one is about how goals affect the journey of our lives; how we need tools to assist us to get the things we want from life and to identify what is important in our lives. I found this the hardest part to follow, as it reminded me why I do not write down my goals, and changing conditioning.
Part 2 is the force of the book, providing you with the support network to follow one’s personal goals. This area explains what a goal setting process is, and encourages you to clarifying and explores the questions: What? When? Where? How? WHY? And Who? These questions give a clear motion to the whole process, and provide the framework to internalise the development of accepting that only I have the responsibility for achieving my goals.
The book is refreshing in that it gives great research that backs up the claim that goals focused on materialism have been associated with negative effects and goals oriented towards self-acceptance, creating community feeling, physical fitness and health, etc., encourage people to enjoy positive wellbeing.
Lists are included that help assist with what areas in your life need goals, to improve or priorities and what are your options.
Part 3 was my favourite part of the book, as it made everything so clear. At points of reading in this section, I was compelled to get up to dot down a goal or point that inspired me. This part was the power of commitment, thinking about and actually writing down those goals. Research and discussion about the power of writing, power of purpose in one’s life and the need to be comparison free, in that they are your personal goals and shouldn’t measure up towards anyone else’s was enlightening. List of questions in all aspect of life, such as health, family and home, relationships, career and business, traveling help to stimulate your creative brain to explore what do you really want, and having the ‘courage, character, conviction and commitment’ (p.110) to do it.
Part 4 describes the end process, once one understands what their goals are. It supports you to rank, review and reward once attained. It emphasis believing in yourself, creating positive affirmations and the power of visualisation in motivating ones towards their goals, big or small, short or long term. Meditation, breathing and other health points are included, explaining the powerful effects on reducing stress, blood pressure and other health problems, if we just practice to deep breath and relax, as part of our day.
Really enjoyed part 3 and 4 and yes I have priories’ what goals I will achieve in ink, and reminders of how to achieve them. I learnt that having specific, written goals is essential to know what our purpose and direction in life, and to get the most out of our short life. I highly recommended this book to all people who would like to re-focus on what they want most out of their life, in any area.

I say write down your goals and review them regularly and you will achieve. Being a muslims I depend on God's will, as nothing can happan without his permission. For example when Ibraheem (Peace be upon him) and Ismaeel (Peace be upon him) finish building the Kakbah in Makkah, they said , and the verse says: “And remember Abraham and Isma’il raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): “Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-knowing”. (Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse 127)

Notice how although they were doing the most noble task on earth at that moment, and they had achieve such a great task, they weren’t arrogant about it and asked Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) to accept it from them. So we have to remember, it is Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) who gave you or me the means to achieve a goal at that time, so be thankful and always ask Him to accept from you your hard work, and give us the ability and steadfastness to achieve our gaols inshallah.

The title of this book is Goal Getting and is written by author Peter Dingle and published by Comet Publishing. The ISBN of this book is 9780646499116 and the format is Paperback

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