Friday, October 21, 2011

What is a Leader? A self-evaluation of my leadership skills now: what have I learned?

Attribute 1 Good communication and listening skills
Reflections: Taking care of being able to clearly express ideas and concerns is essential for the true meaning to come across, and thinking about the right timing. Giving positive feedback and evolving all in decision making, supports a smooth process and promotes cooperation.
Examples: At one stage I felt emotional vulnerable by some personal events in my life, so at that stage, what people said , wrote and did at times, sometime was interpreted as a personal attack, when this was not the intention.
Theory and research: According to Handy (Maddock, 1999, p.4) listen and communicating are essential qualities for a leader and Daft (1998, p.21) explain underlays a strength for a fusion leader. Network of connections and collaborating with others are characteristics of transformational leadership (Maddock, 1999)
Strategies: Need to improve in giving constructive criticism, as overlooking can affect progress. Recognise under pressure how I respond, and communicate at times when emotional state is balanced (Geldard & Geldard, 2003, p. 188)

Attribute 2 Self- Awareness
Reflections: Through this process, I strongly agree that Leaders understand themselves, and maintain self –reflection, noticing how these things influence our attitudes, relationships and behaviour.
Examples: I learnt that there is a preferred preference for working toward specific goals by myself, but participation is important, and I dont mind not having total ownership of a project.

Theory and research: Relating to fostering a better understanding of ones’ self, Sinclar (2011,p.453) explains that identity work ‘allows people to be more present, more able and open and connect to others, and see what is going on’. (Sinclair, 2011, p.453). Human relations perspective uses an approach that encourages desires for ‘self-expression and self-actualisation.’ (Jones, & May, 199, p.41)

Strategies: Need to positively reinforce my own achievements, and take opportunities to have breaks.

Attribute 3 Commitment
Reflections: Having a clear sense of vision and direction comes hand in hand with commitment ( Senge, 1990). I have come to realise that being overly reliable and committed, is truly a double-edged sword. It helps me achieve my goals, but on the other hand, I wish I could just turn it off and on at will

Examples: I put in long hours performing assigned tasks over and above requirement, even when it means inconveniencing me.

Theory and research: Commitments requires passion, energy, responsibility and when a group of people each are committed to a common vision, achievement of anything can happen (Senge, 1990, p.221). Bennis (Doherty & Horne, 2002, p.208) found that transformational leaders had the capability to create compelling vision that had everyone commitment to achieving.
Strategies for Commitment: I relish the feeling of being busy, yet you also need to know when I am “done.” Attach timelines and measurement to goals so that effort leads to
defined progress and tangible outcomes (Rath, 2007, p.14)

Attribute 4 Motivation
Reflections: Achieve, have patience, work hard and believe others will work hard too. This in not always the case. I think people work well when they share information; operated from each of our strengths, and contribute to each other. I like to bring about initiatives, encourage idea and tracked my progress, which create enthusiasm and momentum in a group situation, and others comment on my commitment, which helped them stay on track.

Examples: One team member in my Uni assignment was very hard to get in contact with and lack interest. Instead of getting frustrated by it, I stood up to be the research assistant in the project, as this position focus on sharing the information I have collected to assist her.
Theory and research: Fusion leadership describes a new way of leading based on "fusion," a coming together of whole individuals to accomplish mutual goals based on shared vision and values, bring about a sense of unity (Daft, 1998, p.15). Additional belief is following behavioural theories, using Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid ( Module 3,2007, p.4), whereby I found to have a leadership style that emphasis team leadership– high on production and high on people relationships (Mind tools, 1996-2011).
Strategies for motivation: Take advantage of my self-motivation by setting challenging goals, in different learning/passion areas (Rath, 2007).

Attribute 5 Supporting and encouraging themselves and others
Reflections: I found I gain a certain degree of satisfaction when I could
be of some service to others. A strengthen I found was I am good at offering assistance to people who are struggling to do their part or when an issue came up. Acted as a Coordinator/team worker, which aids the group to clarify goals, promote decision making and evaluate progress (Hudson, 2009, p. 373).

Examples: Instinctively, I notice others accomplishments, contribution, skills, and derive much pleasure from honouring and encouraging individuals, especially when their good results are the fruit of hard work.

Theory and research: This would be using ‘situational leadership’, whereby one looks for opportunities to take action on a matter (McDonald, 2011, p.40). Also using a transformational leadership style where one engages personally in collaborative ways (Maddock, 1999).

Strategies: Since it is strength, learn more about being a team leader. Understand peoples’ working methods, strengthens and weakness before starting a project (Hudson, 2009, p.369)

I have learnt I consider various ways to initiate, nurture, and sustain the linkages between
Individuals and groups and bring people together. I made an effort to be available for others, by being more visible. I learnt that this facilitated two way communications, and helps support one another. I took opportunities to be assertive in a non-aggressive way, building up my personal assurance of what I stand for. I agree that good communication and commitment are part of a reinforcing foundation of a clear sense of vision (Senge, 1990, p.227).

Self reflection is a journey has been enlightening, and the most important lesson to be learnt, it is the collaborative process that support each leader.

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