Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ohhh life. Its hard being a mother, wife, friend,daugther, step-mother ,sister and overall meeting all the needs and demands that is required of me. I feel at times that it seems all too much, especially with little outside support. But, what helps me is "talking' to Allahswt. I make little prays througthout my day asking for his swt help, direction, strength to go on; patience to get thru. I pick myself up and continue. I always refer to this life, especially a practing muslimah life, as a journery. Trying to keep safe (within Gods' protection); doing goods things, day by day, passing till death do us apart. I believe in an afterlife, the real life, one promised of happiness, rest and true ease. This life shows you that there must be a heavan and hell, because humans do injustice and suffering to each other. Some mock, belittle, dis-regard, hurt others without the any worry of how there actions affect others. I know even a hug, a smile , a helpful hand, or a kind word can really make ones day. I look for those one or two pick me up during my day so that I can see the light and greatness in single, beautiful acts that a human is capable of doing. We just sometimes forget the power of kindness to another, how uplifting it is to ones own soul ;)My family, can be overwealming at times but , they bring me joy, happiness, production, ease, worry, friendship, laugths and that is life itself, a journey of experiences...

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