Saturday, July 11, 2009

Killed for wearing a scarf

It makes me anger and sad at the sa

me time that this muslim woman had to be killed because of his hatred of Islam. It raises sooo many questions that no-one wants to answer. Because if they answer them, the very real realisation of how much hate there is in the world for muslims and islam...we all felt it after 9/11. I remerber that morning walking into Tafe and the whole class going silence and this real uncomfortable atmosphere occured. It quickly wiped the smile off my face and made me relise instanely that because I was a muslim woman, i had some relations to what had happen. I cryed in stock and saddness as I watched the tv bleming images of people jumping of the building.....those images never leave u...neither did the feelings of being part to blame, like I secratly agreed to mass killing of innocean people!!!!Agggggh

It makes me soooo mad that this woman was matryed, yes murdered in a court room full of people. How can a person murder a woman, stab her 18 times, and than stab her husband three times, who was the only one to come to her aid, and than he got shot, as mistaken identity. It sounds soo bizarra. Anyone in a court room would know that there is security guards very close by. The fact that the husband got shot, just shows the mentally that it was an "Arab" that must be hurting the woman, not a Germany citizens.

But of course if you answer the questions, it all comes back to hatred of islam and muslims in general. The ignorance of Islam and phobies to muslim womans haed scarf and face covering is soooooo disgusting and is such an injustice to such a minority of woman. For Gods sake they only wear for the pleasure of God and to be modesty, so they wont be molested. One where is the respect now adays???

The worst fact of all is that western media haven even covered the story. The have forgotten and ignoriong what an out cry this is. If a Jew had been stab, man the out cry would have been global. I have not hear any news story in Australia with regard to this murder. The message behind it is muslim woman are fair game. If you have a problem with wertern pertial of islam, a woman in a head scarf is now a target.

I have been locking my car doors for a few years now, after knowing muslims sisters that have had their scarf/niqab (face cover) torn off in broad day ligth. The mocking and belittling wears one down and even thou it hasent been bad in the last two years, I am more aware, more careful and more strengthen to cover up, to stand up for what I believe in!!

So do this sister, and your family, may God give you the heighest paradise and may all Muslim woman be free to live a life free of persecution, mockery and belittlement...ameen

1 comment:

  1. As salaamu 'alaikum wa RahmatULLAHI wa Barakatuhu Sister,

    MashaALLAH, may ALLAH make things easy for you and your family (AMEEN).

    Great blog by the way
    take care,
    wa salaam,
