Thursday, October 8, 2009


Life just keeps on going. Its funny how a person can be in a certain state of mind and others know how they are feeling or are kind of aware of their situation ,but continue to go on in life either ignoring or unsure how to help that person. Once the true understanding comes in to life, its not one that you want to embrace with flying colours. One thing I dislike about life is my boys figthing. Now they have very different personally and my oldest, he has a testing character. They tease and annoy each other and it just wears me down. I dont hit and i try not to shout. I feel its better to stay calm. But I feel sometimes its sooo hard dealing with kids. You want to show a good example to them, mould them in the rigth way and let them explore all that this life has to hold, but in doing that you want them to have good manners, be grateful and kind and appreciate the small things instead of quickly growing up.

I study child development and social community works, the need for connection by all, the importances of a well-balance, stress-free upbringing...soo many factors to count in. Especially living in Aus, I know we are very blessed in how we live. A person wouldnt think much about turning a warm shower on every morning and having clean ,flowing drinking water. I have grown up with this from day one, so to have appreciation is hard when I have not know any better.

But how do I and my children learn to apperciate these daily things. I think one needs to be expose to different ways of life, even different families and people. Its when people take themselve outside the box can they truely think outside it. We have to want to expose and expore what is out there. And more importantly take time to reflect on the now, the experience we are going thru now, wheather that is eating a ice cream,being a parent, going to a theme park or being sick. What can I learn from this? what is the underlaying lesson or what am I going to take from this? If we question ourselves more, analysie and push ourselves outside that box, their would be less fear of the unknow, less worry of inexperencing and less holding back.

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