Friday, October 9, 2009

Saying can change the way u think

I like these two saying and when I find good sayings, Iam going to post them up to remind myself.

Ibn Ata'illah said " Do not keep company with anyone who state does not inspire you and whose speech does not lead you Allahswt"

Ali RA said "Resignation to the will of God is the cure of the disease of the heart."

Its all about true faith. If my friends and people i take company with inspire me to do and be great things than I will feel more ready to succeed. Anyone who has suffered depression, even for a day, understands how uninspired one FEELS and how the mind really narrows in thinking. When we resign and accept things in life that we neither have any control over nor can change, than in that way we give ourselves some kind of peace and closure, or the very least acceptance to deal with it in the best way we can.

I know that islam and having faith has been my true companion in my darkes hour...My heart really goes out to a person without faith. How lost and unvalued one would feel to be without a higher companion to turn to in pray. To have that protection and assurances that comes with knowing I can turn to my creator, sustainer and provider and he will answer me some how, some time. We just have to open our heart to see the signs of God gifts everywhere. Truly a person without faith is lost in their own world, unsure if what they are doing is truly rigth and a lack of fulfullment of what am I here for. What a gift is faith, iman belief in a God who will do justice on a Day of Judgement. Very old teaching for all times, a mordern world needs justice.

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